Student Union Begins The New School Year At The Courthouse
The second hearing of the Student Youth Union (Genç-Sen) case was held today (September 23) at the Sirkeci Labor Court in Istanbul. The Istanbul Governorship is demanding closing of the Genç-Sen on the grounds that students cannot be part of the labor-capital relationship.
The hearing was postponed to November 18.
Gözde Mutlucan, who read union’s press release in front of the courthouse said, “we will continue our struggle against ten percent increase in university tuitions, transportation and housing problems, and the Higher Education Council (YÖK), the child of the September 12 Military Coup”
“Student Youth Union Genç-Sen’s national and international legal bases are clear. We have presented them to the court. But our real base is our members, the students. Genç-Sen will continue its struggle in the court rooms and the schools.”
Uras: Tayyip failed the introductory class
Protesting the university openings the Prime Minister participated in, the Genç-Sen members began the new school year in front of the courthouse.
The Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) deputy Ufuk Uras was there to give his support to the cause of the students.
Reminding that there are introductory courses in the schools, Uras said the Prime Minister had failed his introductory course of democracy.
Emphasizing a similar point, Süleyman Çelebi, the President of the Confederation of Revolutionary Labor Unions (DİSK), said, “Turkey is still being ruled by the legal system of the September 12 Military Coup and this is why those who are conducting a democracy struggle are forced to defend themselves in the court rooms.”
There was nearly a thousand people in front of the courthouse, who chanted various slogans for the rights of the students to form a unions.
The students were supported by various unions, professional chambers and non-governmental organizations, among them Sami Evren, president of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Public Employees (KESK), Ertuğrul Kürkçü of the Socialist labor Movement (SEH), Prof. Dr. Gencay Gürsoy, president of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), Mehmet Soğancı, president of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), Cem Dinç, president of the Port, Shipyard, Ship Construction and Repair Workers Trade Union (Limter-İş). (BÇ/EÜ/TB)