"Struggle for Rights Media Guide"

The "Struggle for Rights Media Guide" was worked out by the Community Centres Communication Rights Workshop and has been published via the internet.
The guide is concerned with reinforcing the media presence of struggles carried out in various sections of society. Additionally, it includes technical information on how to initiate movements in different kinds of media.
Media guide based on 2 years of work
The idea for the media guide was born in the Communication Rights Workshop as part of the "People's Rights Forum" held in Ankara in 2007, taking into account that journalism constitutes a crucial factor in social struggles.
The guide suggests that oppression in all aspects should be covered by all media sections from the mass media to independent communication channels. The guide calls everybody to "make their own news" and offers information how to achieve that aim.
Furthermore, the guide includes practical advice on pictures to complement the news and useful hints on how to establish effective relationships with the media.
The media guide benefited from the following sources: "Istanbul Independent Media Forum: The Possibility of a Different Communication" written by Sevilay Çelenk and published by the IPS Communication Foundation; "Journalism and Making News", "Media Presence of Rights Organizations", "Media and Society" and "Starting Journalism" by Sevda Alankuş; the Anatolian Agency's "Handbook for Journalists"; "Ethics of News" by Enrico Morresi; "Vision Formats" by John Berger and "Documentary Photography and Photo Report" by Özcan Yurdalan.
The 52-pages media guide consists of 6 different sections:
- Media and Social Struggle
- News
- Other Elements of News (Photographs - Pictures)
- Page Layout
- Press Relations
- Information on Turkish and its Orthography (BÇ/VK)