Story Book of biaKurdî Editor Murat Bayram Published

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The first story book of Murat Bayram, who has been working as a journalist for 10 years, has come out. The book entitled "Belkî îşev binive" (Maybe tonight she will sleep) has been published by Avesta Publishing House.
In his book, Bayram has shared his observations regarding what happened during the period of curfews in 2015 and 2016 in the districts of Sur, Lice and Silvan in Turkey's southeastern province of Diyarbakır, in the city center, Cizre and Silopi in Şırnak and in the district of Nusaybin in Mardin.
The book consists of stories written in the style of "literary journalism". In addition to the stories, there are also more than 30 photographs taken by Murat Bayram during the related period.
In TÜYAP Book Fair in Diyarbakır
The "Belkî îşev binive" book of Murat Bayram will be up for sale in bookstores as of September 25, when the TÜYAP Book Fair in Diyarbakır will also start. Bayram will be in Diyarbakır from September 27 to September 30, which is the last day of the fair, and sign his book.
One of Bayram's stories is also included in the three-volume book entitled "Antolojiya Çîrokên Kurdî" (Kurdish Stories Anthology), which has been published by the same publishing house.
About Murat Bayram
bianet Kurdî editor. In the Kurdish media, he worked as a news editor, columnist and reporter in the Evro newspaper as well as Kurd1 TV, Waar TV and Kurdistan24 television channels. As a freelance journalist, he worked for the Middle East Eye, Al Jazeera International, Deutsche Welle, RT TV and The New York Times in Diyarbakır.
Bayram was awarded "the most creative and original young writer" by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)-KAES in 2012 and was given the award of "the best journalist of the year" in the category of Kurdish news and program by the Southeast Journalists Society in 2014. (FD/HK/SD)