‘Stop violations of rights, violence against students’
* Photo: Can Candan
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Since January 5, 2021, three days after President and ruling AKP Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan appointed Prof. Melih Bulu as a rector to Boğaziçi University, the academics of the university have been turning their back on the Rector's Office at the South Campus in İstanbul.
Today's protest marked the 65th watch kept by the academics of the university over the past 89 days. Reading out their statement for the press, they once again said, "We don't accept, we don't give up."
Academics condemn police violence
"Today is April 2, 2021. We are calling out to you from our campus where the press is not let in, our alumni are forbidden to enter and around which the police are patrolling," the academics said in their statement.
Referring to the police intervention against the protests in İstanbul's Kadıköy yesterday, they said, "The students joining the Boğaziçi University protests were subjected to police violence and dozens of students were once again detained. We condemn this incomprehensible police violence against peaceful student protests. This violence and violations of rights must end!"
CLICK - Dozens detained during Boğaziçi protest in Kadıköy
Need for a new law on higher education
The academics also mentioned the second open course offered by Boğaziçi University academics within this context.
Reminding their audience that this second course was titled "Rights 101" and held on March 31 with the participation of academics and students, the academics recalled that the developments that unfolded at the campus after the illegitimate rector appointment as well as the violations of rights and the rights of students and academics were discussed at the course.
The annulment actions filed by the Boğaziçi University academics against the rector appointment and the opening of two new faculties by two Presidential decisions were also talked about at "Rights 101."
At this point, the academics underlined that the efforts to form an autonomous and democratic administration model for public universities constitute another dimension of their struggle in this context.
Referring to the interim report of "Public Research University's Future" prepared by the Working Commission on Structuring the University Administration founded under the roof of the university's Senate in 2016, the academics noted that the report defines a public research university that guarantees academic freedoms on the basis of institutional autonomy and underlines the need for a new law for the higher education in Turkey in the light of their counterparts around the world.
50th year as a public university
The statement of the academics also noted that this year marks the 50th foundation year of Boğaziçi University as a public university.
Announcing that they will celebrate this anniversary with different events throughout the year, the academics stressed that "in its 50th year, Boğaziçi University preserves its liberal and democratic values and keeps producing academic works with a scientific mind and for public good."
'They are harming our principles'
"Since the day when they came to office, the illegitimate rectorate board has been inflicting serious damage to the ethical principles and institutional identity of our university," the academics protested.
Referring to a news report posted on social media by vice rector Gürkan Kumbaroğlu, the academics said that the vice rector "did not see any harm in proudly sharing a news story aiming to smear our institution and us and does not reflect the truth on social media platforms."
"This groundless post alleging that scientific production and productivity of our university has been low for years and it will change thanks to the appointed administration was published in a media outlet which habitually attacks our academics with groundless allegations and hate speech," protested the academics, referring to the news of pro-government Yeni Akit.
They reminded "the appointed persons that no one has the right to smear the academics and scientific prestige of Boğaziçi University, which it has accumulated laboriously and sacrificially for half a century."
CLICK - Vice rector shares old projects: 'Boğaziçi is now doing science'
'Resign from office'
"Serious public opinion polls show that our struggle for an autonomous and democratic university is supported by society to a considerable extent and the interventions against students are met with serious response," the academics said, listing their demands as follows:
"Lastly, we once again demand that our requests resonating with the public as well be put into practice; the police violence against students be ended; and appointed Melih Bulu, Gürkan Kumbaroğlu, Naci İnci and Fazıl Önder Sönmez as well as Selami Kuran, who was appointed to the Faculty of Law, which was founded one night, resign from office.
"We don't accept, we don't give up."