Statutory Decree No. 688 Issued, 416 People Allowed to Return to Their Positions

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Yesterday (March 29), Statutory Decree No. 688 was issued under the State of Emergency.
416 people 37 of whom are academics previously dismissed by statutory decrees have been returned to their positions.
A period of 10 days were granted to people who wish to exercise their right and return to their positions.
With the new statutory decree, 90 people have been returned to their positions in the local administration subordinated to the Ministry of Interior, 83 people in the Ministry of Health, 76 people in the Presidency of Religious Affairs, 37 people in higher education institutions, 24 people in General Directorate of Security and 24 others in the Presidency of Social Security Institution as well as 15 people in the Ministry of Justice among other institutions. (YY/DG)
Click here to see the full list of people subjected to the Statutory Decree No. 688