Statement on "Religious Generation" was Inevitable

"It is understood that the advanced democracy frequently mentioned is not valid for all sections of society but only for those who meet the criteria of the Prime Minister", criticized Barış Uluocak, Branch President of the Education and Science Workers' Union (Eğitim-Sen) in a press conference on Friday (10 February. Uluocak spoke on behalf of the Eğitim-Sen Istanbul Branches and argued that the prime minister separated the society into two by differentiating between religious and non-religious people. This, according to Uluocak, was discrimination.
The Eğitim-Sen Istanbul Branches held a press conference on the statement "We want to raise a religious generation" made by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the beginning of the month. The meeting took place on Friday at the Eğitim-Sen Branch No. 6 and was attended by Branch Presidents Barış Uluocak (No. 1) and Mehmet Aydoğan (No.6) and Branch No. 2 Financial Secretary Çayhan Çalık.
Uluocak put forward that the ruling Justice and Development People (AKP) displayed intolerant behaviour towards people with different opinions.
Pedagogical seminars at the Friday prayer
The Eğitim-Sen Branch Head indicated that the prime minister's education projects were used as tools to design a religious social life. Uluocak noted the following examples:
* By splitting compulsory education into three periods of four years, Religious Vocational Schools can be chosen after fourth grade in primary school.
* The strategic plan 2012-2016 of the Department of Religious Affairs includes an article on "efforts to develop pilgrimage services for students". The department will play a more dominant role in education and training services.
* A Provincial National Education Director awarded the Director of a Counselling and Research Centre who gives pedagogic seminars to parents during the Friday prayer.
* The intent to do activities related to the Week of the Holy Birth in schools within the Values Education Project of the National Education Ministry (MEB).
* In the scope of the Progressive Project on Absenteeism (ADEY) of the MEB, the delegation going to the homes of absent students also includes persons on religious duties.
* The Istanbul Provincial National Education Directorate organized a writing project for all schools to choose writers close to the religious community. (SK/HK)
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