Statement by AKP Spokesperson about Saturday Mothers/People

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Making a statement following Justice and Development Party (AKP) Central Executive Board meeting, AKP Spokesperson Ömer Çelik has spoken about ban and attack against the 700th week rally of Saturday Mothers/People.
Stating that “Making terrorism propaganda by abusing mothers’ sufferings and engaging in certain activities will not be allowed anymore”, Çelik said, “That area will not be used for such an action again”.
47 people including acquaintances and relatives of those who were disappeared in custody were battered and taken into custody during the attack launched against 700th rally of Saturday Mothers/People, who gather at Galatasaray Square, İstanbul demanding that the disappeared people be found and the perpetrators be judged.
“There is no contradiction”
The AKP meeting headed by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was held at AKP headquarters yesterday (August 29). Çelik spoke to the press after the meeting.
According to a report by State-run Anadolu Agency, Çelik was asked about the police intervention in the rally, Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu’s remarks and Erdoğan’s meeting with Saturday Mothers/People in 2011.
“There is no contradiction between Mr. Chair’s hosting that mothers during his Prime Ministerial term and our latest stance”.
Stating that they “don’t target the mothers”, Çelik said that the group “has been abused by terrorist groups since 2010” and that is what they oppose. (BK/TK)