State of Emergency Commission’s term of office extended

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
Click to read the article in Turkish / Kurdish
The term of office of the Commission for the Examination of Proceedings under the State of Emergency has been extended for a year. The extension has entered into force after the related Presidential decree of President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was published in the Official Gazette today (December 25).
While the decision of extension has been taken as per the Article 3 of the law no. 7075, the commission examining and finalizing the applications regarding the proceedings undertaken as per the Statutory Decrees during the State of Emergency will now continue its work for another year.
About the State of Emergency Commission
After the military coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016, a State of Emergency was declared on July 21, 2016 and it remained in effect until July 19, 2018 as it had been extended for three months for seven times.
Established within this context, the Commission for the Examination of Proceedings under the State of Emergency is authorized to receive, examine and finalize the proceedings undertaken as per the Statutory Decrees issued during the State of Emergency. Among these proceedings are dismissals from public service and closure of institutions and organizations.
While 250 personnel, including 80 rapporteurs (judges, experts, inspectors) are working for the commission, it has so far concluded 110 thousand 250 of 126 thousand 300 applications. The State of Emergency Commission is reportedly still examining 16 thousand 50 applications.
Most recently, the Constitutional Court has annulled the law article indicating that no applications shall be submitted to the State of Emergency Commission regarding the additional proceedings such as cancellation of passports and international travel bans imposed by the Statutory Decrees.
So, the ones dismissed from public service by Statutory Decrees can now apply to the commission against the additional measures such as "the cancellation of passports, international travel bans and seizure of assets..." (TP/SD)