Standing-still Man in Taksim

Last night, around 8:25 pm local time, a man stood still in Taksim Square facing AKM building and did not move at all for hours. Became viral on social media as “duranadam” (standing-still man), the man inspired many others to join him.
Some eyewitnesses claim that he has been standing still at the same location since yesterday afternoon.
Police checked standing-still man’s belongings - a backpack sitting next to his feet.
The peaceful protest became viral on social media with “duranadam” hashtag being a top trend. Other “standing-still people” showed up in Taksim Square.
Around 1:15 am local time, a crowd formed a circle around the standing-still man to support his cause. Hundreds of people stood still in Taksim Sqaure like trees.
Many users warned other protestors to leave the standing-still man alone to avoid police interventions.
However, protestors did not do so - around 2 am local time police detained allegedly detained all protestors including the standing-still man.
Then, the reports were corrected as police did not detain the standing-still man.
It went without saying that the standing-still man was Erdem Gündüz, a performance artist.
Standing-still woman for Ethem Sarısülük
As the standing-still protests became viral across Turkey, a woman protestor stood still at where Ethem Sarısülük - a Gezi Park protestor who was allegedly shot dead by police in Ankara - fell to the ground in downtown Ankara. She was then known as “durankadın” (standing-still woman). (HK/BM)