Spy Bird!

Villagers in the eastern district of Ağın, Elazığ found a kestrel that writings in Hebrew on its limbs.
Accused of being an Israeli spy, the bird went through a series of screenings including x-ray scan to determine whether it had a chip or receiver inside. The bird was released back into the wilderness, once x-ray results showed no sign of spy-related installments.
The incident took place in Altınayva village in the eastern district of Ağın.
Ağın district government Nedim Akmeşe ordered the transfer of kestrel to Nature Protection National Park 15th Branch officials.
X-ray for spy-installments
Transferred to Elazığ Fırat University Animals Hospital, the bird went through a series of scans and controls.
Accused of being an Israeli spy, the bird went through a series of screenings including x-ray scan to determine whether it had a chip or receiver inside. The x-ray film of the bird wrote “İSRAİL AJAN” (Israeli spy).
The bird was released back into the wilderness around Harput Icy Caves region. (BT/HK/BM)