‘Someone with a dog picture posted a comment, I am sentenced to prison’

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Theologist and writer İhsan Eliaçık has made a statement on his Twitter account and announced that he has been sentenced to 1 year, 2 months in prison on charge of "insulting the President."
"Someone with a dog picture in his profile commented on a tweet that I posted and, using this as an excuse, they have sentenced me to prison, asking me whether I called the President a dog," Aliaçık has said.
According to Eliaçık, he has been sentenced to prison "...on the grounds that he committed the offense of insult by posting a message on a dog image."
Yine geçen gün CB hakaret davalarından birinden 1 yıl 2 ay hapis cezası aldım.
— R. İhsan Eliaçık (@ihsaneliacik) September 21, 2020
Yazdığım bir twetin altına profilinde köpek resmi olan birisi yorum yapmış, bunu bahane ederek CB köpek mi dedin diyerek ceza aldım, iyi mi?
"Bir köpek görüntüsünün üzerinde paylaşımda bulunarak CB hakaret suçu işlediği..."
— R. İhsan Eliaçık (@ihsaneliacik) September 21, 2020
Tüm dünya görsün mahkemeler ne halde... pic.twitter.com/J8D0ej5VL5
About İhsan Eliaçık
Theologist, expounder of Quran, writer. He was put on trial after the military coup on September 12, 1980. After he served one year in prison, he was acquitted. He studied in the Faculty of Theology of Kayseri Erciyes University in 1985-1989. He dropped out. In 1991-1992, the wrote his first books "İtikat Üzerine" (On Faith), "İslam ve Sosyal Değişim" (Islam and Social Change) and "Devrimci İslam" (Revolutionary Islam).
In 1993-1991, he was among the founders of the Birlik (Unity) FM radio station in the central Anatolian province of Kayseri. He was a columnist for the local Kayseri Gündem (Agenda) newspaper for five years. He was a columnist and the last editor-in-chief of the Değişim (Change) Magazine. In the period of 1997-2000, which was known as the February 28 postmodern coup, he was faced with nearly 30 lawsuits. He was arrested and sent to prison twice. He was acquitted in all lawsuits.
He was a columnist for the Yarın (Tomorrow) Magazine between 2002-2006. He was also a columnist for Bilgi ve Düşünce (Knowledge and Thought) Magazine for a year and for Gerçek Hayat (Real Life) Magazine for two years. He founded the İnşa Publishing House in 2006.
He supported the Gezi resistance in 2013. His statements and books laid the religious, ideological and cultural foundation for Islamic left, Revolutionary Muslims and Anti-Capitalist Muslims. He has 22 published books. (AS/SD)