Some Questions Not Asked To Ergenekon Suspect Veli Küçük

One of the documents in the 58th file of the Ergenekon indictment, in which are the additional proofs, shows Veli Küçük, one of the major suspects of the investigation, had a serious investigation after major Ahmet Cem Ersever, one of the founders of the Gendarmerie Intelligent and Anti Terror Unit (JİTEM), was murdered.
In Küçük’s personal organizer is written that colonel Koray and one Yıldız had a role in Ersever’s kidnapping and murder.
According to Ertuğrul Mavioğlu’s report in daily Radikal, the note found in Küçük’s personal black organizer, dated 1987, describes the person who had taken Ersever from his house as “of dark complexion, medium height, with hair straight, short and standing up, and few extra pounds.”
Mavioğlu says that the authorities did not ask Küçük the identities of those mentioned in his personal organizer.
Küçük’s notes
Küçük’s investigation of Ersever’s murder:
Hüsamettin: Cem arrived in İzmit on the 25th day of the month. He went to a person named draper Hasan. Cem was in his house on October 26 and in the morning of that day he received a phone call. He talked on the phone and left the house, but Yıldız is not telling these. When I was there on the day of the incident, two people came to the house. One of them was called Murat. His last name could be Kotan, Kutan or Kubat. Koray Colonel knows these people. They took Yıldız to a separate room and talked privately. Yıldız did not say what they talked. (November 20, 1993)
Erkal: Kemal’s real name is Kemal Sadık Uzuner. Phone: Aydınlıkevler 3478317. Cem used to stay in his house. He went to Kemal’s house after he returned from Istanbul. Kemal is married and has kids. Our man and Cem went, with our minibus, from here to Ankara. In the morning of October 26, he told our man to wait in Ulus while he went to the court. They called us when he did not come back. They called Kemal, but they were unable to find him. In the meantime, Kemal and Cem had disappeared. There are some people here who know Kemal well. Kemal has been missing since that day, including his children. (November 11,1993)
Necabettin: On October 26, two people came to Cem’s house. They called him before they came and they arrived by a car. One of the people who arrived was of medium height and dark complexion, his hair was short and standing up, had few extra pounds. They left with Cem and few suitcases. After this, Cem was not seen anymore. (22.11.93)
According to the information Küçük was able to gather, only Yıldız and Koray knew the person that fit the description given by the person called Necabettin.
Küçük had taken the following notes on December 20, 1993:
“After he left (JİTEM), Cem went to Atilla Doğan’s firm. He got in touch with Doğan’s nephew Bahattin Yücel in Istanbul. Bahattin Yücel is Istanbul deputy for the Motherland Party (ANAP). He was going to work in the business of setting up private security systems for some companies. Bahattin Yücel is still in this business. Atilla Doğan’s firm had once worked in Syria in laying down pipelines. (…) Cem got in touch with Bahattin Yücel to work. He may have arrived in the construction site in Izmit. The minibus he used to go from Istanbul to Ankara belonged to Yücel’s firm. The driver was employed by the firm, too. The one waiting in Ulus was this person. On October 25, Cem arrived in Kemal’s house by car. The major who arrived in Kemal’s house at the same time was from the Provincial Gendarmerie Regiment. They took Kemal and questioned, but we can still not find Kemal."
Hüseyin Oğuz: Ergenekon is connected with the Ersever murder
Gendarmerie informant Hüseyin Oğuz claimed in an interview appeared in daily Star that solving Ergenekon would end the terror in Turkey.
According to Oğuz, Ergenekon is connected with the most of the unsolved murders in Turkey. Oğuz says that the murders of Eşref Bitlis, Cem Ersever, Tarık Ümit, those within the triangle of Adapazarı-Sakarya near Istanbul and the ones done in the Eastern Turkey in the name of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) were done by Ergenekon and the organizations connected to it. He claims that he witnessed most of the murders as an intelligence officer.(NZ/EZÖ/TB)