Soma Had No Class-A Occupational Safety Specialists

The fourth hearing of the case regarding the workplace murder in Manisa province’s Soma district, which resulted in the death of 301 miners, has begun in Akhisar High Criminal Court with the examination of shift supervisor Mehmet Ali Günay Çelik.
Out of the eight jailed defendants, Soma Inc. owner Can Gürkan, shift supervisor İsmail Adalı, General Manager Ramazan Doğru, technical supervisor Ertan Ersoy and Operating Manager Akın Çelik had testified yesterday.
Mine technician Mehmet Ali Günay Çelik as well as shift supervisors Yasin Kurnaz and Hilmi Kazık are testifying today.
Çelik: Mehmet Efe was responsible but we did not communicate the problems
According to information shared by Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) on their Twitter account, Mehmet Ali Günay Çelik first said a fire broke out in the mine. However, in the following parts of his testimony he said that no fire had broken out.
Among the defendants who testified yesterday, operating manager Akın Çelik and assistant operating manager İsmail Adalı had said that the fire allegations were false.
When Mehmet Ali Günay Çelik, just like the defendants yesterday, said he believed deceased deputy employer Mehmet Efe was responsible for the disaster, the chief judge asked, “Was Mehmet Efe the sole responsible party in a mine this big? Which problems did you take up with Mehmet Efe?" Çelik’s reply was: "nothing".
Kurnaz: I didn’t even know where the heat sensor was
After Çelik’s examination, the court proceeded to examine shift supervisor Yasin Kurnaz.
Asserting he is a Class-B Occupational Safety Specialist, Kurnaz pointed out that there are three Class-B and six Class-C Occupational Safety Specialists at the mine, but no Class-A Occupational Safety Specialists even though this is mandatory for mines. (The Class of Occupational Safety Specialists depends on experience in the field. The number and class of specialists mandatory for each workplace varies by how dangerous the work environment is.)
Admitting that he did not even know where the heat sensor was, Yılmaz claimed that contrary to witness and plaintiff testimonies, there had not been any complaints about ventilation in the mine. (EKN/PU)
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