Solution To Kurdish Problem Requires The Unity of The Left

The recent bombings, the clashes and that the government is unable to offer a solution causes the Kurdish problem to stay in the agenda.
We asked those who cast their votes for the leftist parties in the previous elections what they think should be done about the Kurdish problem.
“The state should apologize from the Kurds”
35-year-old psychologist Cem Özgen says the problem should be seen as a security problem.
According to Özgen, there needs to be an apology for the things that were done between 1995 and 2000.
Ayşe Akdeniz, 23 year old student, thinks that the solution is to create living spaces for the Kurds.
“The Kurds need to be compensated for the damage of the 30 year war. The state needs to invest in the region. The Armed Forces need to retreat from the region immediately. The leftist parties should create a public opinion about the issue.”
The Kurdish problem should be in the agenda of the left
Ali Met of the tourism profession says that he voted for Baskın Oran in the elections of the July 22.
“I do not find the argument that ‘I will not talk to that and I will not talk to this’ right. One should talk to anyone that may help solve the problem. It seemed the Justice and Development Party was taking the right steps, but it did not continue. We should keep this issue alive and produce a peaceful solution.”
Sociologist Eylem Çağdaş is 26 years old. She thinks that the policies regarding the Kurdish problem should be produced with the local representatives.”
“Kurdish problem is not only an identity problem”
“23 year old student Aykan Safoğlu thinks the best solution to the Kurdish problem would be forming a roof party that includes all the organizations for peaceful solution.
“Education in mother tongue should be accepted. Mandatory military service must end. The operations in the region must stop. The unlawful operations of the Gendarmerie Intelligent and Anti Terror Unit (JİTEM) must be revealed. The incidents like Şemdinli must be brought to light.”
Safoğlu thinks that the Kurdish problem is not only an identity problem.
Secretary Leyla İşbilir is 34 years old. She thinks that the problems can only be solved if the sides get around a table and start discussing it. “The left should provide the necessary atmosphere for this.”
38-year-old musician Ülker Uncu believes the solution has two legs.
“One of them is to communicate with the people of the region, produce projects and open them to discussion. The other one is to unite about the problem and bring it to the agenda of the country. (BÇ/EÜ/TB)