Solidarity Message From Pride Week Committee for Attorney Pişkin In Custody

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İstanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week Committee has made a statement on attorney and LGBTI activist Levent Pişkin being taken into custody, and noted “This illegal practice of investigation and detention is a deliberate violation of the right to defense and to fair trial”.
Pişkin had met Peoples’ Democratic Party arrested co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş in Edirne F- type Prison on November 5. Takvim daily, Sabah daily, Ulusal Kanal and some other media outlets had claimed that Pişkin would forward Demirtaş’s messages to a magazine in Germany to be used for propaganda.
In its written statement, İstanbul LGBTI+ Pride Week Committee has criticized Levent Pişkin being taken into custody, noted that the action was an illegal practice and added that they would follow the trial.
The statement of the committee reads as follows;
“Levent Pişkin, an activist of LGBTI+ movement, Pride Week volunteer, an active member of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (Özgürlükçü Hukukçular Derneği - ÖHD) and a human rights advocate, was detained illegally after a raid to his home.
“Levent Pişkin, previously sued by the President on an insult case, has always continued his solidarity with our friends, actively struggling against all policies of repression and intimidation, with his open LGBTI identity.
“We have recently been witnessing a witch hunt against all opposition groups in the disguise of combatting the network of Fethullah Gulen known as the Fethullah Gulenist terror organization (FETO), which is blamed by the government for masterminding the 15 July failed coup. Earlier this month, the co-leaders of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party or HDP were arrested along with eight other parliamentarians on terror-related charges. Last Friday, the Ministry of Interior announced the shut down of 370 associations with “alleged links to terror groups; among them were associations fighting for the rights of women, children and LGBTI+.
“Levent Pişkin was detained after being targeted by pro-government media through stories that claimed “a German magazine” would write “propaganda” on behalf of arrested HDP co-leader Selahattin Demirtaş. This detention is an extension of the attacks against the client-attorney relationship and the right to be defended by a lawyer. Neither the meeting of a lawyer with his/her client nor explaining these meetings to local or foreign press constitutes a criminal act!
“This illegal practice of investigation and detention is a deliberate violation of the right to defense and to fair trial.
“We call upon all those who resist, to come together and to speak out more.
“Levent Pişkin is not alone, we will be following the trial!”
Who is Levent Pişkin?
Levent Pişkin is an attorney and LGBTI activist. He is also the HPD Istanbul Provincial Execute. He works in the Memory Center and does his Master’s degree at Boğaziçi University Atatürk Institute for Modern Turkish History. (ÇT/DG)