Socialist Deputy Uras Urges For More Democracy
Ufuk Uras, a deputy of the Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP), says, “The Turkish society is tired of the heroic language, bloodshed and violence. Overcoming the problem that has been multiplying since the foundation of the Republic and spreading from one region to the whole country cannot be more dead.”
Talking at the Parliament right before the discussions about the letter of permission for conducting operations in Northern Iraq, Uras stated that not only the government, but also the opposition parties of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) and the National Movement Party (MHP) saw the military means as the only solution.
“We have known for a long time that the Kurdish problem is not simply a law and order issue, a kind of problem the judiciary and the military can solve. Therefore, the steps that will sacrifice democracy to the [national] security, will do nothing other than darkening the present and the future.”
Calling out to all the parties in the Parliament, Uras said, “The examples in the world show that not much can be gained by keeping alive the psychology of “making them pay”. We should not shrink and back out from the democratic approaches.” (EÜ/TB)