Social Media Campaign by Amnesty International Turkey for Journalists

"How is it going for you, journalist?" "May 3 World Press Freedom Day"
Click to read the article in Turkish
Amnesty International Turkey has launched a social media campaign for journalists on the occasion of May 3 World Press Freedom Day.
The organization has asked journalists to prepare a front page, answering the question, "As a journalist in Turkey, how is it going for you?".
Accordingly, the journalists are asked to share their experiences, problems and troubles under the hashtags #NeHaberGazeteci (How is it going, journalist) and #ÇokSesliMedya (Multi-vocal media).
Imprisoned journalists answered as well
Jailed journalists Nazlı Ilıcak, Büşra Hanım Erdal, Semiha Şahin, Reyhan Hacıoğlu and Yakup Çetin have also joined the campaign by sending letters from prison. The full texts of the letters have been published on the official website of the Amnesty International Turkey in Turkish.
Campaign has quickly spread on social media
The campaign has quickly spread on social media. Several journalists have posted messages under the hashtags. Some of these posts are as follows:
Nail abi böyle derdi: İyi olmaya mecburuz
— Fatih Polat (@fpolat69) 3 Mayıs 2019
Bugün ona atıfla ve sevgili meslektaşım Nedim Türfent’ten bir haberle, bir sayfa yaptım.#NeHaberGazeteci #ÇokSesliMedya #3MayısDünyaBasınÖzgürlüğüGünü
Editor-in-Chief of daily Evrensel Fatih Polat: "Nail Güreli used to say the following: We have to be fine. Today, I have prepared a front page by referring to him and sharing a news report by my dear [jailed] colleague Nedim Türfent. #NeHaberGazeteci #ÇokSesliMedya #3MayısDünyaBasınÖzgürlüğüGünü (#WorldPressFreedomDay)"
The headline of Polat's front page read, "We have to be fine."
#NeHaberGazeteci #ÇokSesliMedya #3MayısDünyaBasınÖzgürlüğüGünü Gazetecilere Özgürlük
— Neslişah Cömert Altun (@neslisahcomert) 3 Mayıs 2019
Neslişah Cömert Altun: Freedom to journalists
Sharing a message under the hashtags of the campaign, Altun has prepared a front page, which reads, "Hello, Nedim Türfent, today is your day."
3 Mayıs Dünya Basın Özgürlüğü Günü'nde @aforgutu "Senden #NeHaberGazeteci" diye sorudu ben de @KaosGL muhabiri olarak yazdım. #3MayısDünyaBasınÖzgürlüğüGünü
— aslıalpar (@aslialpar) 3 Mayıs 2019
Aslı Alpar: On May 3 World Press Freedom Day, Amnesty International asked, "How is it going for you, journalist" and I answered as a reporter of the KaosGL [LGBTI+ Association based in Ankara]."
On her front page, the headline reads, "Am I free to say, 'I am not free'?".
In a statement made by the Amnesty International, it has been stated, "Though you are in the biggest jail of journalists in the world, we would like to thank you for laying claim to your profession and reporting us news despite all these impossibilities, censorships and lawsuits." (EMK/SD)