“Snap the Photo!”

İsa, based upon the authority given to him by law, went to the mine immediately after he turned 18.
He is among the youngest ones of 301 miners who died in the Soma Disaster.
“If you were able to see his face, you would say that don’t you feel ashamed for sending him to the mine,” his dad said in a lonesome manner with his remorse.
We are now in Avdan village of Soma, it lost its twelve sons.
A two-roomed, stove-headed small house. One television, two couches. Only, industrial vocational high school diploma of İsa is hanged on the wall.
Last Sunday was the 19th birthday of İsa.
His father Şenol Çalış has worked in the same mine as well. Last year, when coal mass fell on his hand, his three bones were chopped off. Now he cannot use the thumb of his implanted hand.
İsa was obliged to work in the mine. Because his father couldn’t work for 11 months due to his hand. He had to look after his mother and sister.
Maybe he would even so work in mine someday, even if this accident had not happened. Perhaps he would be a technician or a driver. Who knows, it is fate. Is it really fate?
Şenol Çalış (49) didn’t receive any damages for his devastated thumb. Actually he doesn’t aware of such right. When he knocked the door of the union, he was replied the following: “Agree with the company”. He is blessing for at least receiving salary from the social security institution.
Due to my astonished face, “You are educated; you have got to know the meaning of slavery” he, said.
I got embarrassed. Because I have just learnt its meaning in Soma.
Just then, the neighborhoods are visiting for condolences. They are serving rose water and chocolates.
“He also lost his toe in a mine in İmbat region” his miner friend, who visited for condolences, said.
Çalış doesn’t care. “That is not a big deal, it broke off, but they implanted tissue from my calf" he added.
If you look at the hands and foots of the miners, you would notice their apathy. The coal took a piece from each of them. And no one received damages. At the end of three to five-months sickness reports, they went to the mine again.
I asked the question "How was the audit?" that I have already known its answer, to Çalış since he has worked in the same mine.
He is smiling upon this question. In the place that he worked by ducking, he didn’t see any inspector. But he mentioned that the mine was extremely hot for two months.
The shift chiefs who don't care this issue, only care about the weight of the mined coal, Çalış said.
“They always pit against each other. The manager, the subcontractor and everyone else receive a premium for mined coal, except the workers”.
And he added: “The body cannot cope with it. It becomes exhausted”. So the miners sometimes get a medical report, even though they have to work for 26 days per month. If you submit too many medical reports, you are fired.
His son İsa didn’t get any medical leave report, except for two days to go to a wedding.
I am wondering about Isa, and he is taking out his photo. Just then, his mother is coming to the house and all photos are being hidden immediately.
The mother has been taken to the emergency department every night since İsa’s death. She is silent and she doesn’t talk.
Now it’s time to go. I am asking permission for taking a photo of Çalış.
In a while, he is shaking himself. He will retire within two years; but until then, he will need to work in the mine. What if he won’t be hired again? He now, feels the same fear like all other miners who interviewed with the press.
But his wife is breaking her silence.
“Let her to take a photo, so that everyone can hear us. We will demand our rights. What do we have to lose?”
However Çalış is still uneasy.
“So I can feed two mouths somehow, cannot I?" said he. He suddenly rose up.
“Snap it!” he said. (NV/CB/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.
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