Six Women Put on Trial for Protesting Male Violence with Las Tesis

* Photo: Aktivist Kamera Twitter account
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A lawsuit has been filed against six women who were taken into custody in Kadıköy, İstanbul on December 8, 2019 after protesting male violence with Las Tesis dance. The women are charged with "unarmed participation in an unlawful meeting or march and refusal to disperse despite warnings."
CLICK - Women Protesting Male Violence by Dancing Charged with 'Degrading the State'
CLICK - 'Don't Stop Women, Stop Feminicides'
They face six months to three years in prison
The indictment issued by the İstanbul Anatolian Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has made the following remarks about the women:
"Ayşen Ece Kavas and Fidan Ataselim, who directed the event, were told that the statement might have content that would constitute a crime and its distribution had to be stopped; however, when the group started to sing the song, which was originally in Spanish and translated into Turkish, they were ordered to disperse for three times, but the group did not disperse despite legal warnings..."
In addition to Kavas and Ataselim, the indictment also demanded six months to three years in prison for Nisa Kör, Seda Elhan Barbaros, Sevda Yeniköylü and Yaprak Okatalı.
What happened?
On November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the women of Chile protested male violence and sexual assaults by dancing. Their dancing protest #LasTesis has spread to world.
Upon the call of Turkey-based We Will Stop Femicide Platform, hundreds of women came together in Kadıköy, İstanbul on December 8 and danced in support of women in Chile.
Dancing to the song composed by Las Tesis "If I say no, it is a NO, you cannot insist. No to harassment", the women also put black veils on their eyes and attached the note "Law no. 6284" on their collars, referring to the Law on Protection of Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women.
The women dispersed after the dancing protest. However, police officers intervened against the women and took seven women into custody, namely We Will Stop Femicide Spokesperson Fidan Ataselim, Nisa Kör, Seda Elhan Barbaros, Ayşen Ece Kavas, Yaprak Okatalı and Sevda Yeniköylü.
Deposing at the İstanbul Anatolian Courthouse, the women were released on probation on December 9, 2019. (EMK/SD)