Sincar at the Sub-commission of Parliament

The sub-commission, titled "investigating the violations of the right to life in the scope of terror and violence incidents", established under the Human Rights Commission of the Parliament listened to Cihan Sincar, the wife of murdered Democracy Party (DEP) Deputy Mehmet Sincar and Nermin Serin, the psychologist of Ankara Sincan No.2 F-Type Prison today.
Justice and Development Party (AKP) Amasya Deputy Naci Bostancı headed the "investigating the violations of the right to life in the scope of terror and violence incidents" sub-commission.
"I was so excited that I couldn't sleep since the commission invited me. We shouldn't have to wait for so long. We left no stone unturned and we really waited for so long."
"What had my husband done wrong?"
Reminding that her husband once was a member of the human rights commission, Sincar said: "Who did this? Who is behind these triggermen? Why my husband, why Mehmet Sincar? What was his fault? My children and I would like to know. My husband was an MP for less than two years, therefore we were in dire financial situation."
"An officer from USA Ministry of Foreign Affairs had visited me at the time and asked how my husband's case have been proceeding. The then Minister of Interior was Mehmet Ağar. I told him that I'd be happy if he would have asked about my husband's case when he met him". he called me after the meeting with Ağar. He had asked about Mehmet and Ağar told him that a Hezbollah person was responsible of the shooting and that he was in Iran. He said that they would catch him when he enters Turkey. However, neither that officer nor Ibelieved in this statement."
Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Muş Deputy Sırrı Sakık said:
"They got him killed and buried him to Kızıltepe."
"They don't treat me humanely in prison"
Prison psychologist Serin detailed the prison practices and talked about prison conditions:
"We do not implement separate programs for prisoners convicted of terrorist crimes or common crimes. I believe it is not necessary to make a distinction as such.
"The prisoners convicted of terrorist crimes think that this is the only way to tackle with the problems, and they are offensive and intolerant people."
People's Republic Party( CHP) Sivas Deputy Malik Ecder Özdemir reacted to her way of talking and said, "Serin talks as if she is the warden of the prison rather than a psychologist."
BDP Mersin Deputy Ertuğrul Kürkçü also objected to Serin:
"You defined a "terrorist type" in your presentation. You initially said that it would not be possible to define a prototype for terror convicts but then you actually defined one. Can you clarify if there is a terror convict prototype or not?" Serin replied to MP Kürkçü as "No, we cannot say that there is".
Serin complained about the security measures of the prison and said that she was not being treated humanely there. "They search me every day, take my shoes off, do not allow me to take my bag in. I have a condition and must take my medicines. Yet I cannot take my pills in even though I have a medical report. I have to go out every time to take my pills and I have to go through the search each time."
Murder mentioned in Susurluk report
Mehmet Sincar was elected as a Mardin MP of Social Democrat People's Party (SHP) during the 1991 elections. He was among the founders of the People's Labor Party (HEP). He became a member of the Democracy Party (DEP) following the banning of his party.
He was murdered in Batman, where he had gone to investigate the murders by unidentified assiliants, in September 4, 1993 .
The Susurluk report submitted to Mesut Yılmaz by Kutlu Savas contains the statements of Muhsin Gül, who was held in Diyarbakir Prison in 1994. He said, "Alaattin Kanat, Mesut Mehmetoğlu, İsmail Yeşilmen and Ahmet Demir -aka Yeşil- killed MP Sincar in Batman. Kanat later told me that he had an authographed guarantee paper."
Ahmet Demir, who was mentioned in the report is Mahmut Yıldırım, known as Yeşil. Sincar had gone to Batman to investigate the murder of Habip Kılıç. After his murder, his wife Cİhan Sancar told that her husband had met Kanat in the police car at the airport and also in the Police Headquarters.
Cihan Sancar requested to become intervening party to the Ergenekon case but the court turned her request down in October 2008.
There have been several news released claiming that the murderer of Sincar has been caught. Most recent was on January 2009, claiming that the murderer, Behram P., was caught in a hotel in Ankara.
When the Istanbul Police Headquarters announced that suspects linked with Sincar murder have been arrested during the Hezbollah operations in 2001, Cihan Sancar said that that would be yet another fiasco. (AS)