Signatures To Keep The DTP Open
Members of the DTP Should Not Be Closed Initiative Arife Köse, Neslihan Türkan, Zeynep Tanbay and Hakan Tahmaz held a press release and gave information about the campaign which they have launched to prevent closing of the Democratic Society Party (DTP). They called upon everyone to support the campaign. The initiative was formed by getting together many representatives of the institutions, intellectuals, journalists and activists.
“The political parties of the Kurdish people have been shot down so far”
Tanbay, the spokesperson of the Initiative, described the risk as “Closing the DTP means destroying the bridge of peace between the peoples.”
She said, “The Kurdish people have formed many parties. Every party that was formed by the Kurds was eventually closed by the Constitutional Court and their deputies rwere given various sentences. This is injustice. This is destroying the hopes for a peaceful and democratic solution.
Tanbay emphasizes that this is not only a problem of the Kurds, but everyone’s and adds that Turkey should stop being a graveyard for political parties; the pressures on democracy, the right to organize, to demonstrate and to think should end.
The signatures will be sent to the Parliament
The Initiative has been collecting signatures for the campaign. These signatures will be sent to the Parliament. The Initiative is also planning to have a mass activity and to visit the DTP deputies when the Parliament reopens.
The signature campaign is continuing at the following blog: (BÇ/TK)