Signature Campaign from Atheism Association to Demand Equality

"When we die, we do not want our bodies to be treated with values which we have not internalized in life ".
Atheism Association has launched a signature campaign with demand, that atheists should be treated equally without being exposed to discrimination in society and before the law.
Association's demands stated on it's campaign text addressing to parliament are as follows:
Against religious pressure ongoing in our country breaching Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of the Child...
Against single religion character articulated on every possible occasion violating child rights...
Against use of atheism and irreligiousness as means of degradation...
Against invading one's right of not believing with social oppression according to lack of legislative regulations
Against overpassing the existence of atheists and nonbelievers in society and procrastination of legislative regulations...
...we demand our existence to be recognized and the fact that we live in fraternity to be noticed in our land where secularism is claimed to exist.
The section for religion on identity cards should be removed
Association's demands also include legal status;
* We demand that Atheism and/or irreligiousness are no more means of degradation and become legally recognized.
* We want to be treated equally before the law. When we verbalize our faithlessness, we do not want to be treated as having insulted the values owned by a section of the society.
* As public officers, we do not want to be on the blacklist, be discriminated on the workplace nor be stoned while walking around the street.
* We want the section for religion on identity cards to be removed since it is a discriminating practice. We do not want the expression ''member of the ruling religion'' to be printed on the identity card of a new born. (AS/DG)