Sick Inmate Dies in Hospital

Mehmet Canpolat (48), an inmate diagnosed with a brain tumor and Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease (COAD), inmate died in a hospital in Istanbul. While he has been jailed for 18 years, he was sentenced to life for charges related to being a member of Communist Party - Building Organization (KP-İÖ).
Canpolat was hospitalized 40 days ago due to his brain tumor. Despite the request of his lawyers Gülizar Tuncer and Elvan Olkun for his transfer to hospital 11 months ago, the forensics authorities allegedly delayed his report and his transfer.
On December 19, 2000, Canpolat was shot in the chest by a tear gas canister during the police raid against the prison rebellion - an incident publicly known as “Operation Back to Life”.
Since then, Canpolat suffered from chest pain and shortness of breath (EKN/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.