Short Film Call by Women’s Organization: ‘Hope Suits to Cinema As Well’

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The Flying Broom (Uçan Süpürge) International Women's Film Festival is welcoming its 21st age with the theme of "hope".
The 21st Flying Broom International Women's Film Festival, which will be held in Ankara on May 10-17, is beginning this year's journey with the aim of bringing together people, women's organizations and other non-governmental organizations that are sensitive about gender equality and problems of women as well as raising social awareness as to the problems of women and gender inequality.
The Flying Broom team has specified this year's theme as follows:
"We have deliberated and discussed a lot to specify this year's theme. We have understood that what we need today, above all else, is hope. If we, women, did not believe that everything would change tomorrow, we would not continue. If we did lose our hope, we could not endure today. Hope is the old friend of women... Hope suits to cinema as well!"
The Flying Broom makes a call to short film and documentary makers to raise the number of "hope films". Applications for short films and documentaries can be made until March 26.