Shoe-upper makers' strike in Adana successful
Photo: Volkan Pekal, Evrensel
Local and Syrian migrant shoe-upper makers together went on strike in Adana and secured a 60 percent rise in piece rates, reported Evrensel daily.
Adana Shoe Manufacturing Workers Association Chairperson Mustafa Özay told the newspaper, "We requested a 120 percent rise thinking of the whole of 2023. We now request another pay rise at the rate of the rise to be made in the minimum wage. Not all bosses agree with this. We welcomed the 60 percent rise. We will again enter into talks when the new minimum wage is set."
The Clock Tower and the Ottoman Bazaar in Adana
The Ottoman Bazaar to the south of the Clock Tower in Seyhan, Adana lies at the heart of shoe production for a long time. Even if the big workshops of the bazaar are now moved to a new industrial site, some small and medium size workshops are still located at the bazaar near the Clock Tower.
Strike was successful
The bazaar witnessed this year again the strike of shoe upper makers for a decent income. With 64,27 % inflation according to the official statistical institution TUİK, the shoe upper makers set out for a pay rise so that they can have an income that is sufficient for their basic needs.
The strike action that lasted two weeks was successful. The employers first approached the association of the shoe-upper makers with a 30 % rise now and another 30 % rise six months later. After this first offer which was rejected, most of the workshops agreed to a 60% rise immediately. The shoe upper makers resumed work for the workshops that agreed with 60% first at the beginning of this week and then all workshops except for two agreed to a 60% rise at the end of the week.
Same occupation as back in Aleppo
The migrant shoe-upper makers who continue the same occupation in Aleppo worked for the local shoe-upper makers in the first years they arrived in Adana. They then started to make shoe-uppers in their own workshops.
Since 2017 the Syrian migrant shoe-upper makers are taking industrial action together with the local workers in order to secure decent pay rates. This year again the migrant shoe-upper makers contributed to the success of the strike. (PE)