Shocking Police Recording in Dink Case

As the trial in the murder of journalist Hrant Dink continues today (01 October), a recording of suspect Erhan Tuncel speaking to police intelligence officer Muhittin Zenit has emerged. This recording is not yet in the hands of the prosecution.
The recording was made shortly after the murder, when Hrant Dink's body was still lying in the street. Zenit called Tuncel and they discussed the murder.
The recording has been made public by Murat Utku, reporter for the Dogan News Agency (DHA).
Tuncel was made informant by Zenit
From the conversation it becomes clear that police officer Muhittin Zenit knew about details of the planned murder before it took place. He said to Tuncel, "[...] they shot him directly in the head...the only difference is that he was not going to run away, but this one did." Zenit also swore at Tuncel. Tuncel, who claims in the conversation not to know about the murder, says, "Whoever did it, well done to them."
Zenit, an intelligence officer in Trabozon, made Erhan Tuncel a police informant around two years before Hrant Dink's murder. Tuncel's code name was "Mehmet Kurt [Wolf]". Zenit had been transferred to another city, Bayburt, months before the murder.
It has now emerged that Zenit called Tuncel 1 hour and 47 minutes after Hrant Dink's murder on 19 January.
Trabzon police had been cleared
Inspectors from the Ministry of the Interior who conducted an investigation at the Trabzon Police Department had ignored the evidence of negligence (particularly neglecting to prevent the murder) and had decided that the police had done their duty and were not at fault. The accusation that Tuncel had informed the police about a planned murder 17 times was dismissed in the report. One of the police officers written about in the report was Muhittin Zenit. Zenit had told the inspectors that he had made this call to Tuncel ignorant of the fact that Tuncel had given up informing the police.
Extracts from the telephone conversation
Extracts from the recording shows a chilling lack of surprise on both sides as far as the actual murder of Hrant Dink is concerned. They also show that the police had knowledge of details of the planned murder, such as potential candidates to carry it out.
"They just told me"
T(uncel): They called just a minute ago.
Z(enit): Hmmmm.
T: They have a number. I could not get through.
Z: Maybe our guys called...You know what it's about.
T: No, they just told me.
Z: He, he, he...You want me to believe that?
T: I swear this has nothing to do with us.
Z: (swears at Tuncel, not believing him)
"No exit from Trabzon"
Z: The topic we talked about; how many times did we talk about that. We said it then, too, you know. Whether you like it or not, there is going to be blame put there.
T: No, let them blame [them], I don't think anything will come of it. Because there has been no exit from here [Trabzon]. At least I don't think so... [...]
"He was not going to run away"
Z: There was that one guy,...
T: He. He is here, he has not left.
Z: The one that was considered. What was his name again.
T: There was a guy called Zeynel. Then another one came up. I don't think [it was them]. [...] It was clear how he would be shot [...]
Z: [...] They shot him directly in the head.
T: Is he dead?
Z: Of course. The only difference is that he was not going to run away, but this one did.
T: Has he been caught?
"Why would you want to bring him in?"
T: [...] If it had to do with us, I will look into it, I will bring [him] and give him over to you in a suitable way.
Z: Why are you bringing him? Why would you want to bring him in? (MU/AG)
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