Sexual Orientation Addressed as ‘Cultural Diversity’ on Ministry of Education’s Counseling Manual

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"Sexual orientation" could find a place for itself under the chapter "rights advocacy" of the psychological counseling and guidance handbook prepared by the Ministry of National Education.
Ministry of National Education has issued a manual to standardize the services of psychological counseling and guidance.
According to a report by Yıldız Tar from Kaos GL (Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association), there is a chapter titled "Rights Advocacy" in the section of "Support Services".
Sexual orientation as "cultural diversity"
"Sexual orientation" which has been subsumed under "Rights Advocacy"is defined as "a cultural diversity" and the manual advises to "take action in planning the environment which students who are experiencing disadvantages, are in.
Gender identity has not been addressed in the manual at all.
Sexual orientation under rights advocacy
The section in which sexual orientation is addressed, reads:
"Guidance and psychological counseling services focus mostly on the inner processes of an individual. Rights advocacy on the other hand, refers to actions regarding the planning of the environment, which student who experience disadvantages on the grounds of their cultural diversity such as their disabilities, gender, ethnicity, race, social class, sexual orientation, appearance, language, migrant status and family situations". (YT/ÇT/DG)