Selahattin Demirtaş recommends the opposition to hold ‘7 joint rallies in 7 regions’

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Former Co-Chair of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Selahattin Demirtaş has sent a message from Edirne Prison.
Behind bars since November 2016, Demirtaş has addressed the opposition parties amid the growing economic crisis and increasing costs of living in Turkey, coupled with the depreciation of Turkish Lira.
He has recommended that the opposition hold "7 joint rallies in 7 regions" and call on the Justice and Development Party (AKP) to resign: "If nothing else, is there an obstacle in the way of the chairs of opposition parties represented at the Parliament to call on the government to resign by holding a joint press conference and to demand urgent elections, together with the people, by holding seven joint rallies in seven regions? If not today, when?"
Hiç değilse Meclis'te temsil edilen muhalefet partilerinin genel başkanlarının, ortak bir basın toplantısıyla hükümeti istifaya çağırmalarının ve yedi bölgede yedi ortak miting yaparak halkla birlikte derhal seçim istemelerinin önünde bir engel mi var? Bugün değilse ne zaman?
— Selahattin Demirtaş (@hdpdemirtas) November 24, 2021
CLICK - People take to streets to protest economic crisis in Turkey, call on AKP to resign
In a series of messages on November 19, Demirtaş previously expressed his support for the opposition's calls for a snap election:
"What possibly could the society of Turkey has done to deserve this, except for voting for the wrong person in the last election? Unfortunately, the situation of the public is very bad and poverty is turning into extreme poverty with each passing day. There is only one way out: Snap election.
"Turkey is not a poor country. It is just being very poorly governed. It is luckily in your power to make things better. The most urgent thing you are supposed to do is to want snap elections and to teach a lesson at the ballot box to those who have sold the country. Afterwards, you will be surprised when you see how fast things are getting better. Election, right now." (EMK/SD)