Seeking their rights, 2 miners die in a car accident on their way back from Ankara

* Tahir Çetin ve Ali Faik İlter, Photos: Sözcü
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A group of mine workers from Soma in the Aegean province of Manisa went to the capital city of Ankara as part of their years-long struggle for their unpaid severance pay, notice pay and wages. Not allowed to enter Ankara, they had a car accident on their way back yesterday (July 8).
The vehicle flipped over when they were passing the Bakır Neighborhood in Kırkağaç, Manisa. Independent Mine Workers Union Chair Tahir Çetin and Ali Faik İlter have lost their lives in the accident.
CLICK - Protesting mineworkers spend night at gas station
They were not given a positive answer
The miners from Soma have been struggling for their unpaid receivables for 10 years now. As the Uyar Mining Company does not pay their unpaid severance and notice pay and wages, they, together with their families, went to the capital city of Ankara by bus on July 4.
As they were not allowed to enter the city, a delegation of five people met ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Group Deputy Chair Mustafa Elitaş. When the miners told Elitaş that they wanted their rights, Elitaş reportedly said, "Why should I care? Did you work for me?"
In response to this, Çetin said:
You told us three times, 'We will find a way.' A way means law. What kind of a way can there be, apart from a law? You have got used to corruption. We wanted a law. Isn't there a law? Riot police, soldiers, gendarmerie... They are all against us. Why? What kind of injustice is that? Enough is enough.
As the meetings in the capital city remained inconclusive, miners decided to go back to Soma. Ali Faik İnter, a member of the union, had lost his father in a mine 18 years ago. (TP/HA/SD)