Seeking Freedom For Translator Tonguç Ok
A freedom campaign for Tonguç Ok has started. He has been imprisoned for 17 years and sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment on grounds of Dev-Yol [Revolutionary Path] case.
Evrensel Publishing, the publisher of Ok, demanded to the abrogation of the article no.107/f-16 of the law about the Execution of Penalty and Security Precautions no.5275 and Anti-Terror Act (TMK) article no.17, immediately. It also demanded the release of Tonguç Ok and the other political prisoners.
The campaign addresing to parliament presidency stated these:
“Due to Anti-Terror Act (TMK), private courts judge individuals for their political opinions with law of war methodologies and again they discriminate them in the executions within Anti-Terror Act (TMK).
“As we look at the penalties left out of Anti-Terror Act; for instance, an absolute massacre took place in Bilge village of Mardin and a total of 44 individuals including 6 children, 16 women lost their lives. The trial about the event continues. However, even if all suspects are sentenced to the severest punishment that is 44-time aggravated life imprisonment, these penalties will be executed over 40 years.”
"Capital punishment is still valid”
“In fact, the execution of one-time aggravated life imprisonment is a life time imprisonment in the penalties within the scope of Anti-Terror Act (Even if it ends up with a murder).
“Due to TMK, we predict a life-time imprisonment for Tonguç Ok as the other prisoners sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment. The criminal execution system is contrary to human honor and the reason of law on criminal execution. The system is also a practice equal to capital punishment. In other words, capital punishment is still valid for the individuals sentenced within the scope of Anti-Terror Act in Turkey.”
From Tonguç Ok to bianet
Imprisoned for 17 years, Tonguç Ok has gained 17 works to Turkish and Kurdish. Turkish Authors’ Association deemed him worthy of 2014 Freedom of Thought and Expression Special Award. Ok posted this card to bianet:
Dear friends,
Today, I received your salutes and books you’ve sent. I thank all of you separately. I don’t know when I will be able to come myself but I sincerely greet and salute you for now.
June 23, 2014
Tonguç Ok
* Click here to read the article in Turkish. (EA/MEV)
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