Second offer from the government to civil servants for pay rise

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Labor and Social Security Minister Vedat Işıkhan has announced the government's second wage increase proposal during the collective bargaining negotiations for civil servants and retired civil servants.
5 percent increase has been offered for the first 6 months of 2024, followed by an additional 10 percent for the second 6 months. In 2025, the proposed wage increase is 6 percent for the first 6 months and 5 percent for the second 6 months.
Işıkhan, following the announcement of the new proposal, stated, "I am presenting this second proposal for evaluation by our stakeholders. I would like to emphasize that the process has not concluded today and is ongoing. I also want to convey that we are doing our utmost to ensure that our government employees reach the level of prosperity they deserve."
Minister Işıkhan pointed out that the unions are not only demanding financial rights but also social rights. He stated the following:
"Today's stage in the negotiations shows that there are numerous provisions that will be considered gains for our civil servants.
We will work on implementing an additional 3600 grading coefficient for all public servants who reach the first grade.
We will conduct a study on disciplinary amnesty under certain conditions.
Promotional exams will be conducted at specific intervals and regular intervals.
We will consult on matters such as the participation of union representatives in the bullying monitoring institution, granting pilgrimage leave other than annual leave, and giving priority to civil servants in the Housing Development Administration (TOKİ) housing."
Previous proposal was 14+9 percent rise
Labor and Social Security Minister Işıkhan had previously announced the initial wage proposal following the 7th Period Public Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiations that will determine the financial and social rights of civil servants and retired civil servants for the years 2024-2025.
Işıkhan had stated, "As the public employer delegation, our proposal is as follows: 14 percent for the first 6 months of 2024, 9 percent for the second 6 months. For 2025, it is 6 percent for the first 6 months and 5 percent for the second 6 months."
Negotiations began on August 1
The bargaining process concerning the collective agreement affecting 4 million civil servants and 2.5 million retired civil servants started on August 1.
The process started with the classification of proposals for 11 service sectors and preliminary discussions of proposals for the entire public workforce, leading to the negotiation phase. The government has presented its initial wage proposal for the general public workforce on August 15.
Memur-Sen requested a 35 percent increase for the first 3 periods
Memur-Sen, the union with authority at the collective bargaining table and known for its proximity to the government, had requested a 35 percent increase including welfare bonuses for the first 3 three-month periods of 2024, followed by 10 percent for the second 3 months and 15 percent for the third 3 months.
For 2025, the union had requested a 25 percent increase for the first 6 months and 15 percent for the second 6 months.