Sebahat Tuncel, Kamuran Yüksek Elected DBP Co-Chairs

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The new administration has been designated in the 4th Extraordinary Congress of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP).
In the election held on basis of a single list, Kamuran Yüksek and Sebahat Tuncel have been elected Co-Chairs.
32 Women in the Party Assembly
In the congress, the members of the Party Assembly of 70 have been designated. 32 women have been elected to the assembly.
The permanent members of the assembly are: Abdurahim Dağ, Alev Taş, Amine Demir, Barış Koyun, Barış Oflaz, Berat Anlı, Bermal Birtek, Cengiz Günay, Cihan Güneş, Demir Çelik, Devran Balkaş, Emine Özmen, Emrullah Bingöl, Enes Kaya, Ergin Balta, Eşref Yaşar, Fatma Gül, Fatma Kurtaran,Felemez Tekel, Feride Laçin, Fikriye Aytin, Gülay Koca, Gülcihan Şimşek, Gülistan Ensarioğlu, Gülüm Bayram, Hacer Özdemir, Halil Aksoy, Hacire Çetin, Hamide Yüksel, Hakan Demirbaş, Harika Peker, Hasan Vural, Hediye Başhan, Hüsnügül Ayazbakan, Hüseyin Altun, İhsan Çelik, İsmail Kaplan, Mahir Doğutekin, Mehmet Arslan, Mehmet Can Demir, Mehmet Salih Yıldız, Mehmet Şirin Tunç, Mehdi Tunç, Melahat Oral, Metin Kutaz, Murat Sarısaç, Türkan Esen, Perihan Ağaoğlu,Ramazan Tunç, Resul Sadak, Salih Akdoğan, Sevda Çelik Özbilgin, Salih Keleş, Sevcan Atak, Semiha Can, Semra Demir, Sevgi Kılıç, Seydi Fırat,Sibel Yiğittekin, Sezar Duruk, Soner Öz, Suna Kaymaz, Şirin Atalay, Şivan Cemil Özen, Turabi Şen, Yasemin Demirkaya, Zahide Beşi, Zeki Baran, Zöhre Bozacı and Züleyha Çalman.
The Central Disciplinary Board consists of Mehmet Nuri Özman, Sevim Dursun, Lütfiye Gürbüz, Ruken Yılmaz, Hüsamettin Zenderlioğlu, Seyithan Laçin, Hikmet Duman. (YY/DG)