Searching for "Nameless Students"

The Initiative for Solidarity with Arrested Students released the "Map of Unnamed Students". With this project, the initiative wants to create awareness for judicial and administrative rights violations encountered by students and to make these violations visible. The map also aims at keeping track of the situations of the arrested students.
"The effectiveness and success of this initiative is based on contributing to an information flow. The map is a news channel for people related to rights violations faced by students", the initiative announced. They call on everybody to notify the initiative about situations like students in custody or arrest, convictions, rights violations in prisons, disciplinary investigations and penalties in schools in order to be able to improve the map. People who are able to document one of the above mentioned situations can inform the initiative on their website, the initiative's twitter account or via an e-mail to [email protected].
On the website of the initiative the "Prisoners Calendar" informs about solidarity activities and trial dates related to arrested students. It also provides news about students on trial.
More than 500 students in prison
The title of the map was derived from the poem entitled "The Monument of the Unknown Students" by Ece Ayhan.
According to the latest report of the Contemporary Lawyers Association (ÇHD), 281 students were reportedly detained in prisons in Turkey whereas the real number is estimated to exceed 500. (ÇT)
*Click here to view the map.