Scriptwriters express solidarity with Bulutsuz in the face of violence by actor Ozan Güven

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In a statement released by the Professional Society of Script and Dialogue Writers (SenaristBir), 103 people from the cinema industry have expressed their solidarity with Deniz Bulutsuz, who last week filed a criminal complaint against her ex-partner and actor Ozan Güven on charges of "attempted wilful murder", "deprivation of liberty" and "insult."
CLICK - Actor Ozan Güven faces legal action for inflicting violence on his ex-partner
"We unconditionally stand with Deniz Bulutsuz, who declared that she was subjected to violence by Ozan Güven and appealed to court with a medical report documenting the battery," the statement has read.
Other highlights from the statement are as follows:
'We give primacy to the woman's statement'
"While women have been struggling more and more for their rights and equality in social life, the incidents of violence and harassment targeting them are unfortunately also getting more and more frequent. We are greatly concerned about this.
"In an attempt to do our part in fulfilling our responsibility in that regard, we, as the SenaristBir, is meticulously working on this issue under the roof of our 'Gender Equality Commission' that we have established this year.
"We consider it to be a part of our professional ethics to take a stand in line with the woman's statement in incidents of violence, harassment and abuse where men from our industry are perpetrators or where women from our industry are targeted.
'Women feel forced to stay silent'
"Most of the time, the women who have been subjected to incidents of violence and harassment feel forced to stay silent due to social pressures. Because they know the - sometimes very cruel - prejudices of the society about this issue, starting from the ones closest to them.
"We can only hear the voices of those who have managed to break the circle of silence after going through very difficult phases. The principle of 'woman's statement is to be given primacy' basically means raising one's voice for the ones who cannot raise their voices.
"We unconditionally stand with Deniz Bulutsuz, who declared that she was subjected to violence by Ozan Güven and appealed to court with a medical report documenting the battery.
'We avoid being a party to the crime'
"We regard it as our obligation to not approach the people who are parties to the crime based on their fame and prestige and to avoid being a party to their crimes by saying, 'We know him, he is not such a man.'
"That a man is a person loved by the public and the culture-arts circles does not guarantee that he will not inflict violence on a woman. Nor does it give him any privileges in that regard.
"There can be no justifications for inflicting violence on women. In the light of all these, we - the undersigned scriptwriters - take a stand against male violence in this incident as well as all similar other incidents.
"We invite all producers, channels, agents and related institutions to make a statement and take a stand, especially the Ay Yapım, cmylmz Fikir Sanat and Nulook film, with which Ozan Güven is still in a business partnership."
The undersigned sciptwriters
Adem Bıyık, Ali Demir, Atilla Ünsal, Aybike Ertürk, Ayşegül Bostancı, Ayşen Günsu Teker, Ayşin Akbulut, Barış Erdoğan, Başak Başaran, Berrin Tekdemir, Bilal Babaoğlu, Birol Elginöz, Birol Tezcan, Burak Acar, Burcu Görgün, Burcu Över, Cem Görgeç, Cenk Boğatur, Ceyda Aşar, Coşku Kılıç, Çağdaş Eroğlu, Çağrı Kara, Çetin Taşçı, Damla Güçer Çamtepe, Deniz Dargı, Deniz Gürlek, Deniz Yavaşoğulları, Deniz Yılmaz, Didem Ayberkin, Dilek İyigün, Doğu Yücel, Duygu Ertekin, Elif Benan Tüfekçi, Elif Özsüt, Emine Koçak, Emrah Dönmez, Enver Sülük, Erdal Bektaş, Erdem Açıkgöz, Esma Barış, Eylül İdiman, Ezgi Özcan, Fatoş Ünsal, Feza Doğru, Figen Şakacı, Fulya Emek Tanrıkulu, Funda Alp, Gamze Arslan, Gül Abus Semerci, Gül Gürsoy, Gülbike Sonay Üte, Gülçin İçöz, Gülengül Altıntaş, Hale Çalap, Hatice Meryem, Hazar Kozice, Hilal Çelenk, Hilal Yıldız, Hülya İniş, İbrahim Güler, İlker Barış, İlker Aslan, İnan Güngören, İrfan Saruhan, İsmail Doruk, Melek Seven, Memed Onur Özkök, Meriç Demiray, Meryem Gültabak, Murat Uyurkulak, Nazlı Sunlu Kaçan, Nimet Erdem, Nuriye Bilici, Özcan İnan, Özgür Ağaoğlu, Özlem Elginöz, Özlem Yılmaz, Pelin Taran, Pınar Aksakallı, Pınar Uysal, Samed Aslan, Savaş Şaylan, Seçil Kahveci, Selcan Özgür, Selin Yaltaal, Sema Kaygusuz, Sertaç Sayın, Sevgi Saygı, Suna Tensi Çeken, Sümeyye Kavuncu, Şebnem İşigüzel, Tufan Bora, Tuna Kıygı, Tunus Taşçı, Volkan Sümbül, Yavuz Ekinci, Yekta Torun, Yelda Açıkgöz, Yıldız Aşanboğa, Yıldız Bayazıt, Zehra Çelenk, Zeynep Küçükerciyes, Zeynep Yılmaz. (RT/SD)