Saturday Mothers/People to File Criminal Complaint Against Minister Soylu, Governor Şahin

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Saturday Mothers/People and Human Rights Association (İHD) will file a criminal complaint against İstanbul Governor Vasip Şahin, Beyoğlu sub-Governor Savaş Ünlü and Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu today (September 10).
Recalling that they were attacked by law enforcers upon İstanbul Governorship’s order in 700th week of their sit-in they stage for asking for what happened to those who disappeared in custody, the Saturday Mothers/People stated that freedom of expression was restricted by ongoing bans. It was also stated that Soylu would be sued due to his threatening statements against the Saturday Mothers/People.
Saturday Mothers/People and İHD members will be in İstanbul Çağlayan Courthouse at 12 p.m. tomorrow for the criminal complaint.
Ban and attack since 700th week
Police intervened in 700th rally of Saturday Mothers/People and detained 47 people by battering them last week.
Making a statement on August 30, Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Ömer Çelik spoke as follows concerning the ban and attack against the demonstration of Saturday Mothers/People:
"We will not allow terrorism propaganda to be carried out by abusing mothers' sufferings and some sort of activities to be engaged in anymore. That area will not be used for such purpose from now on".
In 701st week, upon police closing Galatasaray Square with barricades, they held their demonstration at İHD İstanbul Branch’s street.
In 702nd week, police obstruction continued. The statement was delivered through speakers on CHP Beyoğlu District Presidency at Galatasaray Square. (ÇT/TK)