Saturday Mother Hanife Yıldız detained

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One of Turkey's iconic Saturday Mothers, Hanife Yıldız, was detained today (May 17) during a joint press statement made by the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV/HRFT) and the Human Rights Association (İHD) in front of the Istanbul Courthouse as part of the 17-31 May International Week of the Enforced Disappeared events.
Yıldız was detained because of her criticisms of the ban on Saturday Mother's protests in Galatasaray Square. During her speech, Yıldız called the Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu "Fancy Sülo".
"Justice is in the hands of the unjust "
Yıldız stated the following in her speech:
"Imagine that we are in the 27th year of enforced disappearances, our place in front of Galatasaray High School is banned to us. We came in front of the Court House as if there was justice. There is justice, but justice is in the hands of the unjust. How will it exist? Justice will be achieved only if it is in the hands of the just. Our problem will be solved, and the fate of the disappeared will be announced. Should I call the governor from here or this Fancy Sülo? Fancy Sülo, with your bans, one day you will also be subject to that ban."
Galatasaray Meydanı'na getirilen keyfi yasağa tepki olarak İçişleri Bakanı Süleyman Soylu'ya "Süslü Sülo sen bu yasaklarınla bir gün aynı yasağa uğrayacaksın" diye seslenen Cumartesi Annesi Hanife Yıldız darp edilerek gözaltına alındı.
— Zeynep Kuray (@zeynokuray) May 17, 2022
Hanife Yıldız was released after the statement at the police station. An investigation was launched against her for 'insulting a public official'.
About Saturday Mothers
It was 25 years ago on May 27, 1995 that Saturday Mothers/People gathered for the first time at Galatasaray Square for the ones who disappeared in custody. The first sit-in protests started after the deceased body of Hasan Ocak, who was taken into custody on March 21, 1995, was found in the Cemetery of the Nameless after being tortured.
The Saturday protests at Galatasaray Square were interrupted for an indefinite period of time on March 13, 1999 due to heavy police intervention for the last three years. The interruption continued for the next 10 years.
The silent sit-in protests of Saturday Mothers/People, which they started again at Galatasaray Square in 2009, continued until the police intervention in August 2018.
In the 700th sit-in on August 25, 2018, the police attacked the crowd with rubber bullets, detaining several relatives of the disappeared. The detained were released after giving their statements on the same day.
A lawsuit was filed against 46 people who were detained during the police attack that day.
Since the police intervention in the 700th week on August 25, 2018, they have been prevented from gathering there. (HA/TB)