Sancar: “Third Eye” Would Institutionalize Peace Process

Prof. Dr. Mithat Sancar commented to bianet’s inquiries on how the “third eye”, a new observation delegation idea in discussion, would contribute to Turkey’s resolution process with PKK.
“Such a delegation would be an important step towards the objectification and institutionalization of the resolution process, as well as offer an option for the parties [Turkish government and PKK] to help overcome crisis that arise,” he told bianet.
Some of the highlights from Sancar’s comments are as follows:
“There has been issues during the resolution process and both parties had explanations on their own. They chose the path to postpone the crisis. Such a delegation would help identify the reasons and consequences of crisis and their resolution.”
How will it contribute to the process?
“It is obvious that it will make the process faster and healthier.”
“This is a serious job. The government’s important step forward to institutionalization demonstrates that it is leaving behind its old manners.
“There seems to be a consensus on several issues including the institutionalization of the process. Therefore, the process deserves to be named “negotiation” as it looks right now,” he said.
How was “third eye” introduced?
KCK [Military wing of PKK] Executive Council Co-Chairperson Cemil Bayık commented to an Austrian newspaper, urging an observation delegation from the U.S. Later on, he was also interviewed by Yurt newspaper. “A third party observation council must be the prerequisites for the negotiations,” he said.
Vice PM Yalçın Akdoğan, on the other hand, stayed distant to the possibility of a third country observer, saying that “the process was local”. However, he later on added yesterday, another mechanisms like wise people could be an option in the resolution process.
Following People’s Democratic Party (HDP) delegation’s visit to Akdoğan, HDP Co-Chairperson Pervin Buldan told Milliyet newspaper the following:
“There seems to be a consensus on the forming of an observation delegation. This can be called a ‘Third Eye’, ‘Referee Delegation’ or ‘Observation Council’. Whatever you call it, we have been speaking of its needs from the very beginning of the process. It will contribute tremendously.”
“We have faced several obstacles in the almost 2 year long process. Such a commission’s intervention would bring a positive contribution to the process. We believe that a delegation of 15-16 people would be enough,” she added.
PM Ahmet Davutoğlu also made a statement, saying that the third eye would not be an international entity. (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.
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