Şahbaz Receives 7 Years 9 Months 10 Days of Prison Sentence

Photo credit: Mustafa Kamacı / AA
Ankara 6th Criminal Court issued a verdict in the case of Ethem Sarısülük yesterday.
While the Court convicted police officer Ahmet Şahbaz of "deliberately killing" Ethem Sarısülük, ordering a life sentence, the court then lowered the possible punishment on charges of killing.
As the crime was committed in the line of duty, the penalty was increased to 28 years of prison. But nine years of unjust provocation discount, about 2 years "good behavior" reduction and appreciation sale were also issued as well. With this discount, the total punishment given to Şahbaz turned out 7 years, 9 months and 10 days.
Sarısülük's family announced that they would appeal the decision of his lawyers.
"It is Tayyip Erdogan who did all this to us," Sayfı Sarısülük said in a statement after the decision.
Outside riot police inside the gendarmerie
Before the 7th hearing, intense security measures were taken in front of the courthouse as well as in the courtroom. While dozens of riot police were waiting in front of the courthouse in Ankara, the gendarmes lined between the spectators and Şahbaz. While the gendarmerie completely shut down the circumference of the section where the suspected policeman was sitting, the first two rows of the audience section were occupied by the gendarmerie personnel.
At 10: 30 am, the trial began. Among the observers included the mother and brother of Ethem Sarısülük, as well as Berkin Elvan's family, Peoples Democratic Party (HDP) Mersin Deputy Kürkçü and Republican People's Party (CHP) Ankara Deputy Nazlıaka.
"Marginal" defence by the lawyer
Şahbaz’s lawyers said the following as his last defense: "The court hasn't done against the marginal groups' efforts to politicize this case. Some marginal groups attacked my client." Following these words, some observers reacted.
"Never in the history of this State that a defendant attended a trial by hiding the face," Sarısülük family said after Şahbaz’s lawyer requested to have a confidential hearing. The Court refused the proposition.
Prosecutor: Not self-defense
Saying that the suspect's action was not self-defense, Prosecutor Cuma Dogan charged Şahbaz with "murder with a possible intent", a crime that required 26 years 8 months to 33 years and 4 months imprisonment.
Şahbaz: I'm so scared
Apologizing from Sayfi Sarısülük, police Şahbaz said the following in his defense:
"Lawyers say false things. It may seem from a distance that I am fearless, but I'm so scared indeed. Before becoming a policeman, I did not know which way to go to the police station. Why am I dealing with this."
"You do not need this job enmity why I'm having so much suffering. They attacked me as I was on the ground. I kicked one off.
"When I go home, I took the photo of my wounds to send out to my girlfriend."
I am the one who said: "I pulled the gun and fired three times. But I said it in anger."
I was so sorry when Ethem Sarısülük died 14 days after the incident. I swear I read the Fatiha."
"I would like the Court to have empathy by putting themselves in my place. By the way of my shooting, I have shown that I wasn't to hurt anybody."
"I was silent for a year, whereas everybody was talking. For a year, I was very upset. "
"I trust in justice, I want my acquittal. I leave the decision to your conscience and justice "
After the announcement of the decision, the audience in the hall shouted the slogan "We will ask the account for Ethem" in order to react the reduction of sentence. (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.