‘Russian Jet Accidentally Hit Our Soldiers’, Says Turkish Armed Forces

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In the region where Operation Euphrates Shield is carried out, a Russian jet hit a building with soldiers from Turkish Armed Forces in it during an air strike launched onto forces of Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) yesterday (February 9) morning.
Three soldiers have lost their lives, 11 soldiers one of whom is in a critical condition have been injured.
"Bomb hit building accidentally"
The Presidency of General Staff in its statement has announced that the Russian jet had hit the building by accident and that later Russian authorities had called and expressed their condolences.
Director of CIA was in Turkey
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Mike Pompeo had visited Ankara for the first time yesterday, on the day of the bombing. Pompea had met President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to talk about the Operation Raqqa.
Three soldiers
The bodies of 23 year-old Ömer Akkuş, 25 year-old Sergeant Major Mehmet Şahin and 26 year-old tanker Corporal Major Emre Mücahit Topal were taken out of the ruins of the bombed building. (NV/DG)