Russia: A Comprehensive War Involving Us and Iran Might Break Out
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Chairperson of the Upper House committee for Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation, Konstantin Kosachev has said in case Turkey launches ground operation into Syria, a comprehensive war involving Russia and Iran might break out.
“Turkey has been cornered. The West cannot guarantee support for Turkey. There is a risk a war might erupt with the participation of Iran, and even worse of Russia”, Kosachev has said in response to questions of RİA Novosti.
Risk of comprehensive war
According to Nerdun Hacıoğlu from Hürriyet daily, Kosachev spoke as follows:
“Administration of Turkey has been demonstrating efforts to increase bet in Syria with its latest behaviors. However, I’d like to remind that these policies Ankara has started to follow are not supported by its Western allies.
“The West favors negotiation in the solution of Syrian crisis. Second and maybe the biggest danger in Turkey’s attitude is that it will start a huge war with Iran in case it enters Syria.
“The worst case scenario would be to take Russia on in battlefield in Syria.
“As known, Russia has proved power of its arms in the past few months in Syria and that showed everyone that it wouldn’t refrain itself from using them when it is necessary”.
“Turkey could achieve neither of its goals”
According to Sputnik News, Kosachev said Turkey had two goals in Syria and managed to achieve neither: Ousting Bashar al Assad and restrain Kurds.
Kosachev expressing that Turkey’s first goal is no more a priority for the Western countries, remarked that the second goal has never been in the West’s agenda.
Kosachev remarked that many things depend on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and it is a difficult situation.
“Kurds are maybe the most important player in the region on where Turkey will probably launch attack. If given arms, Kurds might create serious difficulties without requiring Russia’s direct intervention against Turkey’s plans”. (EKN/TK)