Ruling AKP Spokesperson responds to call for ‘Caliphate’

* Photo: Ömer Çelik (AA); Cover of Gerçek Hayat magazine
Click to read the article in Turkish
After Hagia Sophia was opened to worship following a Friday prayer on July 24, a columnist made a call for establishment of a "Caliphate."
The article was published on a magazine called Gerçek Hayat (Real Life), whose Grant Holder is Mustafa Albayrak and Editor-in-Chief is Kemal Özer.
After this call for "Caliphate" was made on July 27 issue of the magazine, the remarks of the columnist have sparked reactions.
Within this context, ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Spokesperson Ömer Çelik have made a statement on Twitter.
Warning against "political polarization about political regime," he has noted, "the Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state of law."
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, demokratik, lâik ve sosyal bir hukuk Devletidir.
— Ömer Çelik (@omerrcelik) July 27, 2020
Bu nitelikleriyle Cumhuriyetimiz hepimizin ortak çatısıdır.
Ülkemizin siyasal rejimi büyük sosyal ve siyasal tecrübelerden geçmiş ve geleceğe yürümektedir.
'Republic is our shared roof'
Çelik has made the following remarks: "The Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state of law. With these qualities, our Republic is the shared roof of us all. The political regime of our country had great social and political experience and has been walking towards the future.
"It is wrong to cause polarization about the political regime of Turkey. Our Republic is the apple of our eyes with its all qualities. The unsound debates and polarization about our political regime circulating on social media since yesterday is not the agenda of Turkey.
'The home for the homeless'
"In addition to being a strong and great state, the Republic of Turkey is especially known as 'the home for the homeless' in whole world. Our responsibility is moral and political. Rather than polarization lacking a political basis, we have to walk towards the future with our common ideals.
"The Republic of Turkey will be everlasting forever. With prayers and support of our nation and leadership of our President, we are walking towards the goals said to be unattainable for humanity. Our republic will keep on shining. All members of our nation have a share in this future.
'We remember Atatürk with respect'
"We remember the Commander-in-Chief of our War of Independence, the founder of our state and our First President Veteran Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and War of Independence heroes with mercy and respect.
"We are raising our determination of struggle which has been incessantly continuing from the past to the present.
'Long live the Republic...'
"Our Republic is the accumulation of our nation's great state experience dating back to centuries, it is a crystallized version of this experience. Our nation, which we proudly belong, is a distinguished and respectable member of the family of humanity. It is a duty and fate of us all to be worthy of it.
"Our Republic will be everlasting forever. With the resolute leadership of our President, we will attain the longings of our nation with sound steps. Our prayers are with our nation. Our efforts are for our unique country. Long live the Republic of Turkey..." (PT/SD)