RTÜK Fines CNN Türk for Tahir Elçi’s Words

The Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTÜK) has fined CNN Türk 225,000 euros for Tahir Elçi saying PKK is not a terror organization on Ahmet Hakan's "Tarafsız Bölge" (Neutral Zone) program broadcasted on October 15.
According to Hürriyet daily, higher council discussed "Tarafsız Bölge" program in which Tahir Elçi appeared as a guest.
RTÜK has fined CNN Türk TV channel 225,000 euros for "promoting and praising terrorism and terror organizations". Channel's license may be rescinded if it is repeated.
The penalty was issued by the votes of two Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) members. RTÜK consists of four Justice and Development Party (AKP) members, two Republican People's Party (CHP) members, two MHP members and one Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) member.
Hakan: We can't know what guest will say on live broadcast
Ahmet Hakan speaking to hurriyet.com.tr upon RTÜK's decision said, "We can't know in advance what a guest will say on a live broadcast in studio. He/she may say anything. What matters is to object. That was a very wrong penalty".
Elçi: Responsibility is mine
Tahir Elçi making a statement as to the matter on Twitter said, "The responsibility is mine. The penalty over my words on CNN Türk is unfair and unjust. How can Ahmet Hakan or CNN Türk be responsible for my words".
ahir Elçi, "CNN Türk'e verilen cezanın yargı yollarından iptal edilmemesi halinde parayı ödemeye de hazırım" dedi.
Elçi stated that he will pursue every legal proceedings possible including going to the European Court of Human Right and he is "prepared to pay the fine" in case the penalty is not rescinded by legal ways.
A warrant was issued for the arrest of Elçi for "propagandizing terror organization", and he testified on October 20, afterwards he was released on the condition of judicial control stipulation and a ban on leaving the country. (HK/TK)