Robot Sanbot Forced to Apologize to Minister Arslan

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Taken off the stage for interrupting Minister of Transport, Maritime and Communications Ahmet Arslan at the Secure Internet program held on February 6, Robot Sanbot was made apologize to Arslan on Kanal D main news bulletin yesterday (February 7).
Hosting the program organized by the Institution of Information Technologies, Sanbot said, “What are you talking about” during Arslan’s speech, and calling the personnel Arslan said, “The robot got confused. Please do what is necessary”.
Taken off the stage by remote controller, Sanbot was reprogrammed and silenced.
“Found” by Kanal D News yesterday, Sanbot answered reporter’s questions. In response to the question “Why did you interrupt the minister?”, Sanbot said, “It was a mistake, I am very sorry”.
About Robot Sanbot
Developed by a Chinese compant, Robot Sanbot has been put on the market in Turkey. Sanbot has its own coding platform on it.
Having the ability to recognize people and object, the robot has specifications such as detecting speech, face recognition and hounding. Sanbot also has skills like playing music and dancing. (TP/TK)