Rights organizations call for an end to hate speech against the opposition

* Photo: Mehmet Emin Mengüarslan / AA
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In the wake of the armed attack that claimed the life of Deniz Poyraz in the HDP İzmir Provincial Organization building earlier today (June 17), the Human Rights Association (İHD) and Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) have released a joint statement about the incident.
Condemning the attack, the rights organizations have demanded that the incident be effectively investigated and brought to light in its all aspects. They have extended their condolences to the HDP and aggrieved family.
'A result of hate speech'
In their statement, the TİHV and İHD have recalled that "the spokespersons of the ruling parties frequently use hate speech against the HDP and HDP politicians," raising concerns that "as a result of this hate speech, HDP buildings are frequently subjected to physical assaults."
"It was just a week ago when the HDP Central Office was attacked with stones by three assaulters," they have said, adding:
"The hate speech targeting the HDP has various dimensions. There is a desire to declare the HDP illegal and, especially pushed by the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), a closure case was filed against the HDP."
The statement of the organizations has underlined that "the hate speech of the political power holders," namely the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its ally MHP, targets not only the HDP, but the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) and İYİ Party as well:
"The hate speech of the political power holders does not solely target the HDP. It has been mounting against other political parties as well. The lynching attempt against CHP Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in Ankara's Çubuk district and the attempted verbal and physical attack on İYİ Party Chair Meral Akşener in Rize's İkizdere district show the gravity of the situation."
'Interior Minister Soylu must resign'
Further in their statement, the TİHV and İHD have called on Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu to resign from office:
"These attacks against the HDP are, unfortunately, taking place in the buildings seemingly protected by the police. Even though there was police protection in front of the HDP İzmir Building, this attack could not be prevented. In this case, it might be concluded that the attacks are condoned. For this reason, especially Interior Minister Soylu, who takes up an attitude turning the HDP, a legitimate political party, into a target at every opportunity, must resign from office or he must be immediately removed from office."
The statement of the organizations has read, "Taking heart from this attitude of the political power holders' spokespersons, some people committed some actions in front of the HDP İzmir Provincial Building that were witnessed by everyone and sometimes turned into physical attacks. The party executives warned the police over and over again. However, as is seen today, an assailant could kill the worker of the party inside the party building.
'We want an effective investigation'
The TİHV and İHD have listed their demands in the following words:
- "First of all, we demand that this incident be effectively investigated by including the HDP's legists into the process and this incident be brought to light in its all aspects.
- "We demand an end to the hate speech used by the spokespersons of the ruling parties against the opposition parties, especially against the HDP. We demand an effective investigation and prosecution against the ones who used hate speech.
- "We demand that the Minister of Interior resign from office or be dismissed. We demand that the HDP buildings be really protected.
- "We demand the dismissal of the closure case against the HDP."