Rights Association Diyarbakır Branch Chair: Ambulance Kept Ready for Güven in Prison Yard

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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Hakkari MP Leyla Güven has been on a hunger strike in Diyarbakır Prison for 76 days.
Speaking to bianet about her hunger strike and state of health, Human Rİghts Association (İHD) Diyarbakır Branch Chair Abdullah Zeytun and Diyarbakır Medical Chamber Chair Mehmet Şerif Demir have stated that the medical condition of Güven has reached a critical point.
The request for health controls of Leyla Güven to be conducted by an independent board of health has been rejected by the Ministry of Justice, which stated, "All that is necessary is being done."
Güven, who is also the Co-Chair of Democratic Society Congress (DTK), has been on a hunger strike since November 7, 2018 with the demand that the isolation of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) Leader Abdullah Öcalan be lifted.
"She has difficulties in liquid intake"
Attorney Abdullah Zeytun has stated that while he could formerly visit Leyla Güven periodically, her medical condition has deteriorated and he cannot see her for almost 15 days:
"I went to prison to see her the other day. Since her medical condition has deteriorated, she could not come to the visitation. We could meet the inmate who is staying with her as an attendant.
"As this inmate has told us, Güven has lost more than 9 kilograms, she has a recurrent fever and has difficulties in liquid intake. She has told us that liquid intake has become very difficult. Güven also has sleep problems."
"She can regularly receive Vitamin B"
Stating that Güven can regularly take Vitamin B, Zeytun has also added,
"Since the beginning of her hunger strike, she has her blood pressure and body weight checked for twice a day. Güven has stated that she does not want to be examined by the physician of the prison.
"She also stated in the beginning that she would not accept any treatment. An ambulance is permanently kept ready for her in prison yard."
Zeytun has also emphasized that "Güven is determined to continue her hunger strike until her requests are accepted."
Ministry rejected examination by an independent board
Diyarbakır Medical Chamber Chair Mehmet Şerif Demir has also stated that the Ministry of Justice has rejected their requests for examination of Leyla Güven by an independent board of health:
"The Ministry has rejected our request by stating, 'Examination by an independent board will not be possible, all that is necessary is being done.'
"There are liquids which the ones on hunger strike need to take on a daily basis, they have to take at least a liter of liquids, sugar and salt. They have to take Vitamin B1. We underline that the Declaration of Malta on Hunger Strikers should be observed in treating everyone who is on a hunger strike.
"Critical phase after the 60th day"
"Güven has been on a hunger strike for 76 days. The continuity of a hunger strike might have different impacts on the strikers depending on their individual medical conditions; however, it can still be stated that a hunger strike enter the critical phase after the 60th day. Hunger strikers begin to lose their sight and hearing in this phase."
Demir has also stated, "As healthcare workers, we wish that a resolution will be reached before their hunger strikes leave an irreversible damage on the health of hunger strikers." (AS/SD)
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