“Revolutionary Headquarters" Assumes The AKP Explosion
The organization which calls itself “Revolutionary Headquarters” assumed the responsibility for the explosion at the Istanbul building of the Justice and Development Party (AKP). Accepting the responsibility for the explosion through a mail sent electronically, the organization said that their intention was to warn both the AKP government and the General Staff.
The same organization had assumed the responsibility of the mortar attack on the Command Post of the 1st Army at Üsküdar in Istanbul. The fragments of the mortar attack hit municipality’s garbage trucks and the Selimiye Petty Officer’s Club near the 1st Army Post.
Ten people were wounded
The explosion at the entrance of AKP’s party building in Istanbul at 14:45 yesterday wounded ten people, four police officers and six party personnel.
The explosion occurred when Aziz Babuşçu, head of the Istanbul party organization, was meeting with the party administrators. Police officers Hüsnü Uyan and Tuğba Akçan, tea maker Cahit Aytekin and security officers Cem Güngör and Gürkan Türed were badly wounded. Uyan was rushed into surgery; there is a risk that he may be paralyzed. Tea maker Aytekin’s leg and chest were shredded to pieces. Akça’s and Türed’s conditions are still critical, too. The condition of Güngör, who is intensive care, is still in critical condition. (EK/TB)