Republican People’s Party Still Sees A Secularism Crisis

Following the decision of the Constitutional Court not to close the Justice and Development Party (AKP), President of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) Deniz Baykal said that the court did not solve the crisis, but described a “secularity” problem.
Chief of General Staff Yaşar Büyükanıt said he could not comment about the decision since he was a soldier. President of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Devlet Bahçeli was pleased with the decision in the name of democracy, but added that the AKP needed to take lessons from this incident. President of the Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) and Istanbul deputy Ufuk Uras interpreted the decision as an important chance for Turkey’s democratization and normalization.
The Constitutional Court decided not to close the AKP, but fine it by cutting its share of the Treasury Aid by half.
Baykal: The Constitutional Court made an important determination
According to Baykal, ten members of the court determined that the AKP was the center of the anti secular acts. He said that since the AKP was a majority party in the Parliament, this was very important; the court showed that there was a crisis.
Bahçeli: The Prime Minister should take the necessary lessons
MHP’s president Bahçeli said, “everyone should respect this decision, but the AKP administration should take lessons from this incident, too; they should realize that fighting with the founding principles of the Republic jeopardizes the democratic regime.”
Uras: The decision gave a chance to strengthen the democratic politics
Pointing out to the words of Haşim Kılıç, president of the Constitutional Court, ÖDP’s president Uras said that it was now time to take the necessary democratization steps for the future. He stated that the Constitution, the election law and the political parties law, which are the remnants of the September 12 military dictatorship, must be replaced with a libertarian, democratic and social mentality. “The necessary steps should be taken without losing any time.”
DTP: The decision reflects people’s will
President of the Democratic Society Party (DTP) Ahmet Türk said the decision was pleasing from the perspective of the democratic politics. (NZ/EZÖ/TB)