Republic, Democracy Meeting in Taksim

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The preparations took start in the morning hours for the “Republic and Democracy Meeting”, which was organized upon Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) call to start at 6 p.m. yesterday (July 24) The area was encircled by barricades. Search points were established for those attending the meeting.
AKP members too attended the meeting
Justice and Development Party (AKP) delegation consisting Vice Chair, Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, MP Ayşenur Bahçekapılı, İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor, Kadir Topbaş, Beyoğlu Mayor, Ahmet Misbah Demircan marched to the meeting on the İstiklal Street.
10-article “Taksim Manifest” announced by Kılıçdaroğlu
CHP Leader Kılıçdaroğlu starting his speech at 6:24 p.m. said, “We are together in Taksim. This is a day which we all have written history. Why have we come to Taksim, what are we going to do in Taksim? I’ve prepared a Taksim Manifest to answer to all these questions”.
After reading the manifest, the attendees were asked to raise their hands if they approve and the attendees supported.
The manifest announced by Kılıçdaroğlu is as follows:
1. July 15 coup attempt was launched against parliamentary democracy. The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) was bombed but parliament under bombing carried out its duty and repelled the coup. We condemn and damn the internal and external, if there is any, supporters of those responsible for this coup attempt.
2. All political parties have stood against coup attempt. A common ground has formed in Turkey. This common attitude and approach must also contribute to strengthening reconciliation culture in politics.
3. Standing against all sorts of coup and any tutelage on parliamentary regime is debt of honor of all democrats and anyone siding with democracy to this country. We must all together at all times say neither coup nor dicta but full democracy.
4. The coup attempt launched against our democratic parliamentary regime has taken on a new significance with people’s using their right to resist. Right of resistance has emerged as a legitimate way of protecting democracy.
5. It has been proved one more time how democratic secular and social law state principle is of vital importance for Turkey. Democratic, secular, social law state is the most basic key that will take us to modern civilization.
6. This coup attempt has demonstrated that the principle of separation of powers, namely legislation, execution and jurisdiction in constitution is assurance of balance and inspection in democracy.
7. Returning dignity and rights of people who were victimized in Balyoz, Ergenekon and espionage cases must be in the agenda of all political parties.
8. This coup attempt has clearly unfolded that state administration must be based on competence. In the construct of state, elements like fund of knowledge and experience must be predicated on rather than political partisanship, kinship, communitarianism. We must bury the understanding of taking over state instead of governing it into history. In this respect, restructuring of state is necessary.
9. Regardless of their beliefs, life styles, people of this country must be able to wander freely in the squares, parks and streets. No one forget that July 15 coup attempt is a picture that came to existence by means of third class democracy. People of this country are worthy of libertarian democracy, not a third class one. Turkey must be totally be freed from coup law.
10. State cannot be ruled with anger, prejudice, vengeance. Those who attempted coup must be tried in line with principle of supremacy of law. Torture, ill-treatment, crackdown, threat will reduce us to the same level as coup plotters. This shall not be allowed. (BK/TK)