Reporter Nedim Oruç Arrested
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Dicle News Agency (DİHA) reporter Nedim Oruç Nedim Oruç who was taken into custody in Şırnak yesterday (January 6) has been arrested over “terror propaganda”.
According to report of DİHA, Oruç was by force of arms taken to Yenişehir Neighborhood Indoor Sports Hall along with the other neighborhood residents from the house in Şehit Harun neighborhood.
According to testimony of eyewitnesses, no information could be obtained about Oruç for a while who was battered, dragged on the ground and kidnapped by an armored vehicle. As a result of the public pressure established by #NedimOruçNerede hashtag (Where is Nedim Oruç), Silopi Security Directorate admitted that Oruç was in custody.
Later on, Oruç was arrested over “terror propaganda”, and will be referred to Şırnak F-Type Prison.
Vice reporter Muhammed İsmail Resul who was arrested in August was released after 131 days of detainment. The number of imprisoned journalists has become 31 with Nedim Oruç. (EA/TK)
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