Report: 1,716 Children, 954 Women Subjected to Violence in Diyarbakır in Four Months

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The report was prepared from data on the applications by women and children to civil society organizations and occupational organizations with the number of the applications and the types of violence considered.
The network is supported by the Rosa Women's Association, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır Provincial Organization, the Diyarbakır Bar Association, the Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions (KESK) Platform of Branches, the Women's Assembly at the Diyarbakır Chamber of Trade and Industry, the Diyarbakır Union of Chamber of Merchants and Craftspeople, the Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality and district municipalities.
The report was announced to the public yesterday (July 9) by the Rosa Women's Association, who gathered to draw attention to femicides wearing purple and black clothes. Ruken Ergüneş read the report at the association's building.
What types of violence are women exposed to?
Accordingly, 954 women made applications to the institutions that support the network. Three women were murdered in this period. Women said in their applications that they were exposed to domestic and non-domestic, physical, sexual, psychological, social and digital violence.
All the applicants were subjected to more than one type of violence. Out of 954 applicants, 701 were continuously exposed to psychological violence. While 468 women were exposed to physical violence, 160 were exposed to sexual violence. 301 women who made applications for different reasons were continuously subjected to economic violence. 129 women were subjected to social, nine were subjected to digital violence.
The report said that the life security of 258 women is under threat. Six women were deprived of their freedom. 106 made applications to stay in a shelter.
According to the figures of the Rights of the Child Center at the Diyarbakır Bar Association, 1,716 children were subjected to violence between March and June. a thousand and 526 children were pushed into crime.
The figures show "only a part of the violence"
Gurbet Yavuz from the Human Rights Association said, "We know that the figures we presented show only a part of the incidents of violence committed against women and children. These figures don't include data from police stations and public agencies."
Although civil society organizations effectively strive against violence against women and children, "the primary actors to reduce these numbers are states and governments," Yavuz added.
Considering the facts that cause impunity such as offenders' sentences being reduced due to good behavior or insufficient evidence, and women continue to be murdered despite protection orders cause distrust to legal mechanisms, she noted.
Suicide attempts
Yavuz also said that figures of the public agencies regarding suicide attempts by women and children are "pretty concerning":
"Suicide attempts are seen among the children as young as 11 and most often seen in children aged 15,16 and 17. As for suicide attempts among the women aged under 18, they significantly increase among women aged 18 and 19."
Referring to the data from the institutions that support the Diyarbakır Network for Struggle Against Violence and news reports, Yavuz said that the most common reasons for suicide attempts are related to social pressure such as forced marriage and concern for the future.
Concluding her words, Yavuz said that they will continue to strive and expect support from all parts of society. (BD/EMK/VK)
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